Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Photo a Day Project: 2013

So I realised when looking through all my photos from last year that I had a pretty amazing (and very photographed) 12 months, and promptly decided that I was going to set out to have an equally awesome next 12. Sure, I won’t turn 21 again, and I don’t know that I’ll ever get another photo next to Matt Bomer or visit the Grand Canyon again, but I thought I might as well give 2013 a shot at being as photo-worthy as its predecessor. And so, it begins: the first photo of my 2013 Photo a Day Project, the ever glamorous mirror selfie. This one was taken at 1am this morning, when 2013 was but an hour old. I’m aiming for a photo of me and/or a photo of where I am or something I’m doing for every day of the year… how do you think I’ll go?

Wish me luck, good hair days (a good hair year?) and awesomely photogenic surrounds =)

Much love,
C xx


  1. Looking forward to all the photos! I love the ambition in your project because I do not have the energy to look decent enough to be photographed often during the year hahahahaha. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too! I put in the loop-hole about posting a photo of where I am in case I don't want to post a picture of myself, haha! =)

  2. Good luck tweetpea! I probably do post a photo-a-day...mostly of food...or of the awesome view I have at work (the most exciting part of being in an office).

    1. Thanks tweetpea! I figured, I take a photo a day easily, but most of the time I never do anything with them (not always of myself, haha, usually of food or something, like you said =P) so this might give me somewhere to put them!
